(Deutsch) Eignung der Gondelanemometerdaten von Windkraftanlagen für die Ermittlung der energetischen Verfügbarkeit – Bachelorarbeit
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Sites: Many sites in different regions of Germany Result: After a strong, but systematic correction, the reanalysis data show very realistic wind roses, wind speed frequency distributions and diurnal courses of the wind speed in larger heights above the ground at all sites, except for those with complex structure on a small scale.
Sites: Several sites in different European regions with relatively long measured wind data sets Method: Calculation of the average wind speed of the entire measurement period based on the data of individual 12-months periods Results: The standard error of the long term mean wind speed determined with the MCP method and the MDP method developed
Site: North Germany Results: The on average decreasing wind speed level observed in met station data and production indices during the investigated period is confirmed by the met mast. The reanalysis data do not show the same pattern. The long term course of wind speed is similar in all measurement heights. The measured data correlate