Re-Assessment of the energy losses due to curtailment for the protection of bats

Re-Assessment of the energy losses due to curtailment for the protection of bats

Site: Medium size wind farm in the state of Hessen, Germany


  • Analysis of SCADA data of the wind turbines
  • Comparison with model calculations
  • Parametric studies


  • The calculations with the model of aj determine the real energy losses very well.
  • Too high values of the outside air temperature measured by the turbines lead to unnecessary shutdowns. The energy losses are thus signficantly higher.
  • Some turbines show too low wind speeds. This also leads to unnecessarily increased shutdown periods and too high energy losses.
  • The wake impact within the wind farm must be taken into account in the model calculations.
  • The energy losses are much higher in years with low wind resource compared to high wind years.



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